So here is where fate (and bad luck, poor planning, the lack of time and money management skills) left in 2012. My 93' Toyota Corolla broke down on me and needs a new engine. To me, that equals junk. Over a month ago I lost my phone in a Michael's craft store and despite being told they had it, I never recovered my phone. Friday, December 30, 2011 I was laid off because the company I was working for no longer had enough money for payroll. There was no warning and no time to secure another job. Admittedly, I cried a little bit leaving work, but two hours later I was at my old job with a 40% pay decrease, working away the rest of the afternoon. Longer hours for less pay is better than no job at all. That's why you don't burn bridges and I'm not trying to go back home.
Moving on, I have a 100 things list I wanted to accomplish before I'm 24. I started it in November and I've only completed two things, which I've crossed out. I'll put up some pictures later. I was hoping for 2012 to be a good year despite this gruesome start and since my birthday is on the 2nd, the extra day won't hurt.
It is a long list and I won't cry about it if I don't complete it since some of the things I have on it are a little difficult, but I'll try my best to make it. I'll put up the list now and explain everything later.
Health and Fitness
Run 5: 5Ks
Run a 5K with a self-made running group
of at least 5 people
Run 1: 10K
Run a ½ marathon
Run a full marathon
Perform 100 pushups in less than 3
Run a triathlon
Train for at least three months in self
Train for at least three months in pole
10. Weigh
between 112 – 117 for at least six months
11. Achieve
19% - 16% body fat for at least six months
12. Eat
50% Organic for at least three months
Travel and Vacation
14. Vacation
@ Aqua Girl as VIP
15. Go
on a road trip (3+ days)
16. Travel
to California
17. Travel
outside of the Country
18. Go
to an Anime Convention
19. Go
on a Cruise
20. Go
on a Camping Trip
21. Plan
a vacation for Japan
22. Go
to a Cirque du Soleil
23. Gamble
and/or Run in Las Vegas
24. Complete
My Queen
25. Publish
My Queen
26. Outline
27. Enter
into 10 writing contests
28. Win
1 Writing Contest
29. Take
3 Culinary Jobs
30. Create
an Online Bakery Business Plan
31. Make
a profit off of an event
32. Start
or outline the sequel of My Queen
33. Create
Food and Wine
34. Create
a 12 course themed formal dinner
35. Brew
24 wines (6 ritual)
36. Go
to a Food and Wine Festival
37. Create
a Gingerbread House
39. Create
birthday cake for Ashley
40. Create
eight course meal using molecular gastronomy
41. Create
a series of unique foods or desserts for photograph
42. Create
two formal dinners based on one ingredient
43. Enter
a cooking or baking contest
44. Have
$5,000 in savings
45. Raise
credit score 50 points
46. Get
proper Health Insurance
47. Start
retirement plan
48. Research
the cost of having a child
49. Create
a personal budget and stick to it for at least three months
Hobbies and Interest
50. Learn
Japanese (well enough to watch a raw movie)
51. Create
a 100 page scrapbook
52. Embroider
Ritual Mat
53. Embroider
54. Learn
to play the piano
55. Learn
to fish (catch 10)
56. Learn
to make a grow light or environment
57. Create
a Witch’s staff
58. Complete
Embroidery Book
59. Acquire
a Distiller
60. Create
my own incense (10 types, 1000+)
61. Created
my own scented candles (5 types, 20+)
62. Create
my own essential oil (30+, 10+ ounces)
63. Create
my own bath product and hair products (6+)
64. Learn
how to ride a motorcycle
65. Create
a music video
66. Learn
to Knit (5 pieces)
Social and Lifestyle
67. Compile
a Lifestyle Lolita Handbook for Starling’s Lifestyle Lolita
68. Go
to a Lolita meet up or create a club in person or online
69. Purchase
Lolita Dresses (8+ complete outfits)
70. Join
a club with another interest for at least six weeks (Toastmaster?)
71. Learn proper makeup application
72. Have
1,000 followers on Twitter
73. Own
15 pairs of stylish shoes
74. Go
to the Renaissance Fair
75. Learn
to sew and create the My Queen dress
76. Dedicate
myself to the Craft
77. Memorize
the Creation Story
78. Celebrate
at least four Sabbats
79. Create
four Sabbat dinners
80. Complete
the Green Wiccan Year
81. Keep
a Spiritual Journal
82. Practice
yoga once to three times a week for six months
83. Learn
the meaning of the tarot cards
84. Practice
herb magic and learn of 20 herbs and their medicinal uses
85. Practice
meditation once a week for six months
86. Grow
an Organic Garden
87. Go
on 10 nature hikes
88. Try
89. Go
Green at Home
90. Redecorate
my home
91. Go
on 5 Romantic Dates
92. Throw
a house party
93. Watch
7 in theater movies
94. Neuter
all of my bunnies
95. Acquire
a large out door rabbit hut
96. Take
Frankie to the vet and update shot records
97. Build
a Pet Paradise
98. Have
Ashley run the Warrior Dash in 2012
99. Acquire
a new car
Have a holiday party
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